Sunday, September 19, 2010

Julia Fullerton-Batten (Artist) 9/20/10

(From Personal Work)


Julia Fullerton-Batten is a German-born photographer, educated in Pennsylvania, and now represented and exhibited all over the World. Her background is in commercial photography and is still often commissioned for advertising shoots. However, my focus is on Fullerton-Batten's compelling personal work, in which she portrays the awkwardness of female puberty. Fullerton-Batten has an interesting casting process for this project, in that she rejected the poise of professional models, so she "boldly chose to street cast girls" so as to employ the "slight awkwardness of the untrained models to emphasize the freshness and naturalness evident in her images." ( JFB has been awarded many prestigious honors and her work is held in permanent collections worldwide, including the National Portrait Gallery, London, and Musee de l'Elysee, Lausanne, Switzerland.
"Bio" Julia Fullerton-Batten (


Some of Fullerton-Batten's work relates to mine when she directly references wild animals and nature in conjunction with her discussion on female puberty and sexual transition. These particular photographs within her personal work speak to more of a universality of nature juxtaposed onto the awkwardness of the journey to womanhood, where most of her others in the series focus on societal implications of female puberty. My work, too strives to illustrate the strange world of nature, where sexuality is no longer determined by just human society or choice, but by a predisposed natural instinct. These images are very compelling to me because they truly portray raw animal instincts onto the epic journey of girls to adulthood.


"The understated intensity of these images provides an insight into the girls' view of their world and reveals inner tensions and anxieties that growing up involves."
Fullerton-Batten, Julia. "Interview with Basia Sokolowska" Hotshoe Magazine. Oct. 2005

"The photographs have a calm but disturbing presence. Their slick and accomplished surface veils many visual tensions." (Basia Sokolowska)
"Julia Fullerton-Batten" Image Magazine. June 2006.


Vaughan Hannigan, NY (Agency)

Julia Fullerton-Batten's Site

1 comment:

  1. These images really remind me of the cinematography in one of Lars Von Trier's films, Antichrist. I think you might find it really interesting.

    It's on netflix instant, if you have netflix. Or you could watch the trailer on Youtube and get an idea.

    The film itself is very good, visually and conceptually. If you aren't into horror you may want to not watch the last 30 minutes, though.
