Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Genetic Alteration/Engineering" (Idea) 10/28/10

Drosophila macromutations copyright David Roberts


genetic engineering:
Scientific alteration of the structure of genetic material in a living organism. It involves the production and use of recombinant DNA and has been employed to create bacteria that synthesize insulin and other human proteins.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


The advance of genetic engineering makes it quite conceivable that we will begin to design our own evolutionary progress."
Isaac Asimov "Isaac Asimov: A Prophet for Our Time" Accessed 10/27/10. <>

"In an age when the Earth was sturdy and indifferent to any damage that mankind with its small numbers and feeble power could do, refuge in fantasy-security was psychologically comfortable and could do little harm. Nowadays, such fantasies could kill us all ... we must all be very sure that, just as it is man alone who is destroying the world, so it is man alone -- alone -- who must save the world."29
Isaac Asimov "Isaac Asimov: A Prophet for Our Time" Accessed 10/27/10. <>

"Even minor tampering with nature is apt to bring serious consequences, as did the introduction of a single chemical (DDT). Genetic engineering is tampering on a monumental scale, and nature will surely exact a heavy toll for this trespass."
Eva Novotny (Astrophysicist) "Quotes from Members of ISP" Independent Science accessed 10/27/10 <>

Annotated Bibliography

Dominic A., Edward. "Adaptations to sexual selection and sexual conflict: insights from experimental evolution and artificial selection." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365.1552 (2010): 2541-2548. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 28 Oct. 2010.

This is an article commenting on and studying the effects of experimentation on evolutionary gene modification. The premise is artificially altering the environment and experiences of fruit flies, in order to study the consequential change in behavior and eventual evolution.

"Alteration of the operational sex ratio of adult Drosophila over just a few tens of generations can lead to altered ejaculate allocation patterns and the evolution of resistance in females to the costly effects of elevated mating rates."

The findings substantiate hypotheses that isolating and altering certain experimental situations within a species can result in the mutation of the species on an evolutionary level.

"The types of studies described above have also been useful in testing the important prediction that elevated sexual conflict can lead to antagonistic coevolution (e.g. Parker 1979; Holland & Rice 1998), which in turn can promote reproductive isolation leading to speciation."

I found this article particularly helpful in my research into the possibilities of imposed evolution, especially in situations which such evolution can be observed and linked to a causal manipulation of the species. I am extremely interested in the implications such manipulation has, not only on the species wholly, but also sexually among male and female constituents. The findings here are substantiated with data and researched analysis.


The topic of genetic alteration/engineering has specific connections to my work, and my most recent work in particular. I have been studying the effects of artificial selection within the game industry and the genetic implications apparent in this discussion. I am very interested in the process of this work reflecting the concept of genetic alteration and circumstantial evolution. Researching this issue is extremely important to informing the process by which I photographically investigate this portion of the concept. Also, as seen in the above annotation, these issues have important resonance within the realm of species gender relations and sexuality, which is the second important channel of the work I am making. This particular post has helped me draw a much more direct connection between the two threads.
In the actual work, my process involves a controlled and uncontrolled method of isolating particular elements of a photograph's binary code and metamorphosing the image through continued manipulations. The result is a time-involved piece which portrays the degradation of the original photograph until the final mutations which render it, as well as the individual process, obsolete. Further research into the issue of genetic alteration, I am hoping, will lead me to specific genetic structures, which scientists have been able to isolate in similar experiments that symbolize the mutation of the species based on certain traits. This way, I can incorporate such findings into the process of the work I am creating.

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